When you give to CEF Hawkeye Chapter, we use the majority of our funds to train and equip volunteers, buy resources for clubs and classes, financially support our staff, and put on events that reach out to the community and/or help raise awareness for CEF. We also have expenses like every other ministry that keep everything in working order. Your donation will help CEF Hawkeye Chapter reach more children in the name of Jesus!​ 

Your full donation is tax deductible. CEF Hawkeye Chapter is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization as defined by the IRS. If you give directly through us (via our online giving or checks, cash, & pledge) you will receive an end of year giving statement. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!​

When you give to CEF Hawkeye Chapter, we use the majority of our funds to train and equip volunteers, buy resources for clubs and classes, financially support our staff, and put on events that reach out to the community and/or help raise awareness for CEF. We also have expenses like every other ministry that keep everything in working order. Your donation will help CEF Hawkeye Chapter reach more children in the name of Jesus!​ 

Your full donation is tax deductible. CEF Hawkeye Chapter is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization as defined by the IRS. If you give directly through us (via our online giving or checks, cash, & pledge) you will receive an end of year giving statement. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!​

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CEF Hawkeye Chapter (Iowa)
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The fee would be for an ACH bank transfer.

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